Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why Do Stainless Steel BBQ Grill Parts Rust?

!±8± Why Do Stainless Steel BBQ Grill Parts Rust?

Why do stainless steel grill parts rust? This is another question we get asked all the time and there are almost as many answers as there are gas BBQ grills. I meet customers who purchase a stainless steel barbecue grill with a lifetime guarantee because they no longer want to buy a new grill every two years. Then two years later their big stainless steel grill is rusting and they feel betrayed. There are a lot of answers to this question but most of them are simple and sometimes obvious.

One reason is the quality of the grill parts. We know restaurants and resorts cannot waste time buying a new grill for their kitchen every few years so we assume if we purchase commercial quality items we can get the same level of quality as professionals. Now any cheap, low cost manufacturer can call their product a commercial series or a professional series item and the association is made. Add a few hundred dollars profit to the price and the customer gets tricked. I have seen this in many industries when the terms "commercial" and "professional" get used as the name of a product model rather than a true description of the quality of the product.

Many of these manufacturers will use a low grade stainless steel to further the association with commercial quality. Many of us do not realize there are many different types of stainless steel. We do not understand the differences and we go looking for stainless as symbolic of a well made product. I cannot tell you how often a buyer will walk into my retail store claiming they want a stainless grill. In their mind, they have asked for a particular level of quality using the term "stainless steel". With a few extra questions, they will share their belief that stainless steel will save them the inconvenience of replacing grill parts within the year or buying a whole new grill next year. The fact is there are several types of stainless steel, many no better than regular steel and indistinguishable visually.

Look at who makes the grill - not the importer but the actual manufacturer. Barbeque grills that are made in America will generally disclose the type of stainless steel that has been used. If the manufacturer is providing a warranty, call them and see if a human answers or if the warranty is a sham. When we purchase an American Made stainless steel BBQ grill, we spend a lot more money and have much higher expectations of the product. Contact local dealers and find out if local professionals who repair grills recommend the product.

Commercial products do not say "commercial" on them and restaurants or resorts do not buy their appliances at the gigantic retail exchanges that advertise the lowest price in town. I have clients who purchase a 0. grill and feel they have spent a lot of money. For that BBQ owner the information above regarding different types of stainless steel is applicable. Keep the grill covered and clean it as often as possible.

Today, well built products are manufactured from a stainless steel designated as 304. 304 stainless steel is often referred to as 18/8 stainless because of the main chemical additives that make it resilient outdoors. In order to be considered 304 stainless steel not only are iron oxides drained to such a degree that a magnet cannot hold it but nickel and chromium are added during the smelting process in amounts of 8% nickel and 18% chromium.

Chemicals added to stainless steel protect the material in its specific application. A different stainless steel is used for an indoor refrigerator that does not contend with humidity, rain, snow or heat. Outdoor gas barbeque grills use 18 gauge 304 stainless steel because of the nickel and chromium. Nickel is a hardening agent. Nickel is shiny and attractive but its main benefit is as a hardener. When stainless begins to rust it shows up as "pits". Pitting occurs as a small violation in the surface of the stainless like a dot. As a hardening agent, nickel will usually stop this from starting.

Chromium protects the surface of the stainless steel in the same way that oil protects a cast iron pot. Chromium reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere and creates a barrier at the surface of the stainless steel. If the stainless surface ever becomes damaged or scratched the surface can be lightly sanded and the chromium will recreate the barrier. Chromium is added during the smelting process so scratching-out rust does not remove the protective effects of chromium.

Mid-range barbeque grills like Weber and Broil King use combinations in manufacturing. While the majority of the stainless steel on these grills is of the 400 designation, the cooking grates, heat shields and gas burners will be made of 304 stainless steel. This is because the inside of the grill gets wiped down less and gets a whole lot messier than the hood.

For the very expensive grill that has a lifetime guarantee against rust, the reason your grill is rusting is grease. I have seen DCS grills over twenty years old without a single pit on the outside of the barbeque but the burners have been replaced six times. On the rare occasion a customer claims the hood is rusting, it is usually not rust but a light discoloration caused by heat. When the grill shows rust, it is the burners, heat shields, rod trays, cooking grates, etc. The grill parts inside the firebox get grease and drippings and carbon discoloration from heat. All of these things combine to coat the stainless and stop the chromium from reacting with oxygen in the atmosphere.

Once a year I take the cooking grates, heat plates and burners out of my grill. I clean - really clean - the inside of the firebox and I clean the parts I have removed. I have a wire brush that attaches to my drill and I scrub the grates, burners and even the firebox with that brush spinning at 60 miles per hour. It does a great job and the stainless looks great until I cook on it again.

For barbeques that use less-expensive stainless steel, know it is decorative. They know the decoration allows the assumption regarding quality to be made but no one who sells grills will point this out. Either accept that you will have to buy a new BBQ grill every two years or start buying replacement grill parts. Next time you buy a barbeque in the same price range, get an aluminum grill that is made in America. Pure aluminum will last forever.

Often, the best tool to fix a problem is education. Once we understand a problem, the solution will show up in our normal actions. Once you know the chromium needs oxygen to protect your stainless steel your regular post-grilling habits may change. The way you wipe down the grill may be directed at the problem instead of just brushing off charred food bits.

Another point to remember is your barbecue grills placement in relation to your pool. Pool chemicals can cause the grill to corrode if in direct contact with high quality stainless steel. However, the stainless steel can also be damaged just by closeness to the pool or stored pool chemicals. When chlorine and other chemicals slowly dissipate into the atmosphere, they do so by chemically bonding to oxygen in the atmosphere. Near the pool, a shortage of oxygen atoms can cause the same effect as covering the stainless steel with grease. Chromium becomes unable to react with the oxygen in the air.

If you have a well-built stainless steel gas grill, cook on it often because of you're going to spend the money use it. Also the heat lessens mess. After cooking, burn the grill on high or ten to twelve minutes to dry it out and then scrape the stainless. Once or twice a year, take it apart or call a professional. A properly maintained gas grill should last forever.

Why Do Stainless Steel BBQ Grill Parts Rust?

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Water Treatment - Curiosity Quest Goes Green #19 Water Treatment brings Joel to a treatment facility as he learns about drinking water and what is in drinking water. Ever wonder what happens to the water that is goes down the toilet or sink. Hold your breath as we learn about water purification. PBS Kids Curiosity Quest Goes Green, season #2, episode #6. Your public water system is the first line of defense against waterborne disease. View step-by-step how water is treated and delivered to your home or business as water that is safe to drink. Your drinking water is inexpensive comparied to other household costs. Learn why it is important to keep the environment clean and find out what you can do to protect our nation's sources of drinking water. Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use. These can include use as drinking water, industrial processes, medical and many other uses. The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants in the water, or reduce the concentration of such contaminants so the water becomes fit for its desired end-use. One such use is returning water that has been used back into the natural environment without adverse ecological impact. The processes involved in treating water for drinking purpose may be solids separation using physical processes such as settling and filtration, and chemical processes such as disinfection and coagulation. Biological processes are also employed in the ...

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Choosing the Right Chlorine for Your Pool: Comparing Granular, Liquid, and Tablet Chlorine

!±8± Choosing the Right Chlorine for Your Pool: Comparing Granular, Liquid, and Tablet Chlorine

Chlorine is an effective and reliable sanitizer, disinfectant and oxidizer for swimming pools and spas. Its advantages include availability, affordability and proven effectiveness. The majority of complaints lodged against chlorine by residential pool and spa owners can be traced back to an unintentional overuse of the chemical.

The advent and spreading popularity of mineral sanitizers provides a fantastic alternative to traditional chemicals, but mineral sanitizers do not completely eliminate the need for chlorine or bromine; instead, levels are reduced 40% to 60%. While such a reduction may be great - depending on your views of chlorine, of course - pool and spa owners still need to understand the types of chlorine available to them, as well as the advantages and any special considerations associated with each type. Chlorine can be purchased in four different forms: granular, liquid, tablets, and sticks. Each delivers effective sanitization through different applications and varying levels of Available Chlorine. The deciding factor in your decision to use one type of chlorine over another should be your preference in pool maintenance habits.

No matter which method you use, add chlorine when a test reading shows Free Chlorine levels to be lower than 2.0 ppm. The ideal range for Free Chlorine is 2.0-3.0 ppm.


Advantages: Granular chlorine dissolves quickly and provides the most precise control over chlorine levels

Application: Dissolved in a bucket of water prior to being added to the pool or spa

Frequency of Application: Weekly, though possibly daily depending on bather load

Helpful Hints:
Daily chemical testing is suggested Granular chlorine is ideal for all types of pools, though it is probably most cost-effective when used in above ground swimming pools Never use granular chlorine in an automatic chemical feeder. Look for a concentration of 99.5% Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione Commonly called Dichlor

Other Notes: There are three types of granular chlorine: Calcium Hypochlorite (Cal-Hypo), Di-chlor, and Lithium Hypochlorite, with differences in pH and stability.

Calcium Hypochlorite

Cal-Hypo has larger granules and is the most affordable of the three types of granular chlorine. Because it does not contain a stabilizer to protect against chlorine loss due to UV exposure, it is ideal for use with indoor pools and spas. With 65% available chlorine, Cal-Hypo is commonly used as a shock. Its popularity is due to its widespread availability and affordable price.


Another form of granular chlorine, Di-Chlor is less harsh and has a 7 pH level. It's more stable than Cal-Hypo so it lasts longer in the water with 62% available chlorine. Although Di-Chlor is more expensive than Caly-Hypo, it leaves no dust and dissolves rapidly for safe handling and application.

Lithium Hypochlorite

Lithium Hypochlorite is the most expensive out of the three types of granular chlorine. Lithium Hypchlorite has an 11 pH level, making it necessary to add acid to your water to achieve balanced chemistry. Its super fast-absorbing property makes it safe for all types of pool liners, including vinyl. Lithium Hypochlorite is versatile enough to be used as a shock or daily sanitization. It is calcium free and doesn't affect the hardness level of your water. Lithium Hypochlorite is the safest to store because it's dust free and non-flammable.


About: Liquid chlorine is called sodium hypochlorite, or sodium-hypo, and has a similar composition to bleach. With an available chlorine level of 10-15%, liquid chlorine is most frequently used in commercial pools.

Application: Can be added directly to swimming pool water, but it is recommended that liquid chlorine be dispersed by way of a diaphragm pump or a peristaltic pump.

Helpful Hints: Liquid chlorine is highly corrosive. Take caution when handling.


Advantages: Tablets have the highest available chlorine at 90%. Priced similar to granular chlorine, they are ideal because they reduce maintenance for the pool owner. Available in one inch and three inch sizes.

Application: Floating dispensers and automatic chemical feeders

Frequency of application: Depends on the demand and the size of the chemical feeder. Expect tablets to last at least one week.

Helpful Hints:
Three inch tablets require less maintenance and are the most common size available. One inch tablets dissolve more quickly than the 3" tablets and their smaller size makes them ideal for smaller swimming pools and spas. Commonly called Trichlor Chlorine sticks share many of the same characteristics, advantages and applications as chlorine tablets. Sticks are larger and dissolve more slowly than tablets.

Choosing the Right Chlorine for Your Pool: Comparing Granular, Liquid, and Tablet Chlorine

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Swimming pool chlorine and bromine

!±8± Swimming pool chlorine and bromine

Disinfection of swimming pool is one of the most important aspects of pool maintenance. When the water of the pool is not maintained and kept clean, swimmers are at risk of contracting diseases and infections from organic waste, bacteria and other microorganisms in the water. If the pool water treated and controlled, it is clean, fresh and free of harmful impurities and providing a healthy environment for swimmers to enjoy. To keep the pool clean water and sanitation, the useswimming pool chemicals is not necessary. The two most common chemicals used for this purpose swimming pool chlorine and bromine.

Chlorine is a chemical very common. Discovered back in the 16 st Century, is now used in many industrial and domestic uses. It 'also the most common chemical used to disinfect swimming pool. The reason for this is that it is very effective for use in killing of pollutants, yet it is relatively simple. Swimming pool chlorine reacts withThe pool water to produce hydrochloric acid and hydrochlorous. Penetrate Hydrochlorous acid chloride, the active form and is capable of cell walls of bacteria and other potentially harmful micro-organisms to kill them so that is no longer a danger to bathers' health. The chlorine molecules continue this type of pollutant, killing until removed and disabled, or to form chloramines when combined with ammonia or nitrogen compounds.

During the poolThe chlorine disinfection in the regular course, pool shock treatments can also be used. "Shocking" or super-chlorination of a swimming pool refers to increasing the chlorine content, until they are ten times the amount of chloramines in the water. This stage is also called "breakpoint chlorination" known and sends a shock to kill the power to the pool, the elimination of impurities, infections, and cause water turbidity. Chlorine shock treatments are used during the opening of the pool and whenAdditional disinfection is required during the bathing season. Some pool owners need a shock treatment of chlorine pool every few weeks, especially if the pool is often used by a large number of bathers.

As already mentioned, the chlorine in swimming pools is the most common disinfectant. However, bromine pool is also quite common. Swimming Pool Bromine is a highly effective disinfectant, killing microorganisms and water to combine with the control and keeps it cleanThe deposits in a manner similar to chlorine. While both chlorine and bromine are affected by UV rays of the sun, can bromine remains in the pool and reused, unlike chlorine molecules, which are destroyed. Another difference between the two chemicals is in the range of pH levels that are more effective. While chlorine requires the pH of 7.4 to 7.6 is to remain effective throughout the pool bromine in a pH range of 7.0 to 8.0.

One of the reasons that some swimmingPool owners may prefer to use bromine instead of chlorine pool with the fact that bromine does not smell of chlorine as a tough guy. Swimming Pool Bromine has no taste and is very gentle to eyes and skin than chlorine, thus greatly reducing the incidence of irritation. As a result of these advantages, many pool owners are more likely to use them swimming bromine disinfectant of choice, although bromine is more complicated and something can be moremore expensive than chlorine. Bromine also requires the use of an automatic feeder, since it is much slower than chlorine dissolves. However, these investors are easy to install and use.

The decision to pool chlorine or bromine is used as a disinfectant of choice depends on your needs and preferences. If using chlorine, the type and form of this chemical that you need to depend on their preferences and the type of application, as well as theSize and volume of your pool. These chemicals are available separately and are often used as part of a pool chemical maintenance kit, which also provides other useful chemicals such as algaecides and stain remover.

Regardless of which use chemicals to disinfect, is of high quality pool chlorine and bromine options can be relatively easy from a variety of online merchants to find. Best of all, you can find these chemicals at affordable prices, soYou can clean your pool without damaging your wallet.

Swimming pool chlorine and bromine

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to permanently remove green algae water swimming pool and green

!±8± How to permanently remove green algae water swimming pool and green

Swimming pool water green and green algae in the pool can be a common problem. Nothing is more disappointing when your look, the rear window and you have green water pool.

Swimming pool algae in all colors, from bright green algae on the black algae. It may be in your water or stick to the walls and floor of your pool float.

There is only one true chemical that actually kills the algae and chlorine.

But beforeare the addition of chlorine, you must use your pool in a little 'elbow grease. First you need the walls and bottom of the pool with the pool brush with a brush. These companies will be algae floating around the pool, so that chlorine can attack from all sides.

Do not be afraid to give a really good scrub. No stress ... The pool actually look worse after stain, because now everything is unleashed. Do not worry, this is normal and that the chlorine has the task a hell of a loteasier to kill your algae green pool.

Before some chlorine in your pool, the better. The longer you wait the worse it gets, and eventually the most difficult to clean.

Now your probably thinking ... "How do I put chlorine in my pool?"

Since there are many types of chlorine and other amounts for each type, it can be confusing very quickly. Well, here's my little secret! The use of liquid chlorine, it works much faster and there is no need to diluteit or pre-dissolved in a bucket before putting it in the pool.

Tip of the jet of liquid chlorine in the pool just before the return ... If the pump runs. This is chlorine quickly shoot. Want to put a couple of liters and walk to the pool. They are available in 15 minutes and see if the pool water green is easier to go? If it looks heaps lighter, you have taken enough. If you do not keep adding chlorine to the pool water is a lighter green.

The lighter color indicatesthat chlorine kills algae green pool. This is great!

Now you want to keep the filter clean and running again and again until the water clears.

If this does not work, you must use more drastic measures to eliminate the pool water green.

How to permanently remove green algae water swimming pool and green

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Swimming pool maintenance - The 5 simple steps for pool maintenance

!±8± Swimming pool maintenance - The 5 simple steps for pool maintenance

Congratulations, you are lucky enough to have your pool! Whether you have just moved into a house with a swimming pool or economic times force you to examine your pool guy to let go, this article will take you directly to an expert in your pool.

1 You need a test kit. Do not imagine that controls every aspect of water. These kits are expensive and difficult to use and frankly, no one knows what the results anyway. Everythingneed is a basic two-part kits, chlorine and pH that can be found here or at your local pool store checks. The reading of chlorine on the left side of the tester and is the basis for the water chemistry. A daily dose of chlorine is fed to your pool with a chlorine system, be it a box near the filter, or a plastic material floating base to know how many tablets of chlorine a week is ideal for your swimming pool. If you have a salt-chlorine generator, click here.

A good ruleThumb to start with one tablet is enough for every 10,000 liters per week. Check the chlorine level at first, and often by trial and error to find out, the pool chlorine "hunger". A small pool in Miami, you may need ten tablets a week for the control valve wide open, while a large swimming pool in western New York may need only one tablet with chlor just broken. PH, if you remember from science class, is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, in this case in the poolWater will be at 7. 4, which is located in the middle of the scale of comparison on the right side. If you get a strange shadow on the pH meter time to take a water sample to your local store pool. These are the people more aware, and adjust pH as the alkalinity of pool water in your area.

2 Shock your pool. Our daily dose of chlorine tablets for disinfecting water 24 / 7 and once a week in summer impurities Sanitized (chloramines) must be broken down andpurified by the waters. We do now carrying chlorine at 10 parts per million. This is the same for everyone, oxidizes a bag with whipped cream or 1 gallon per 10,000 gallons of liquid chlorine chloramines. If you live in a warm climate the chlorine level is likely to start falling on the day when the shock is zero, and if this happens once a week on the same day. . . High five! You have this pool on a leash. In cooler climates, otherwise it will be a goodconstant chlorine content in the summer and a non-chlorine oxidizer (shock and swimming) is a good option for you.

3 Clean the filter. There are three different types of filters. How do you clean and how often should be cleaned depends on whether it is correct for your great pool, and where you live. If no one has shown you the basics of the filter is a detailed article about it on my site.

4 Circulation. Equally important, water chemistry, if not moreSole The pump should be operated at least 8 hours a day in summer. The return flow of the jet should be strong enough that its hard to keep a finger in front of him. Keep the filters clean, and note that the gauge reads directly in the filter after cleaning. This is your clean compressed and when you see a reading higher than 8 to 10 units, such as clean print of their time on a different filter cleaning. If you have never had a reading below to clean your print shows that it isthere is a problem with the pool pump. An article on the injector pump can be found on my website.

5 They go swimming. Have fun! You're lucky if you have a pool and a social person, the pool can be the focal point of the weekend gathering of friends and relatives, or block party with your neighbors. I have heard from many customers that a pool is often floated in taking care of a lot easier (sketches and swimming aids circulation) is.

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Swimming pool maintenance - The 5 simple steps for pool maintenance

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

The truth about the clear green water pools

!±8± The truth about the clear green water pools

If you are unlucky, it has a green pool, it is important that clear immediately. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of any debris such as sticks and leaves that have been around in the pool. Then test the water and adjust pH and alkalinity. You can do both with pH Up or pH Down depending on whether the levels are too high or too low.

Next, we will pool the shock, the shock is basically a high chlorinekills bacteria in the pool. You can buy, whether liquid or powder shaken. Depending on how your pool is green, the shock of what is necessary. You can have one or two liters of liquid hammer or 4-5 depending on the size of your pool and how badly it is needed. Always remember you can not kick too much. You must run the filter 24 a day and using the backwater level (very important to remember, back flushing) 4 times a day.

Try to suck the pool and, if the sides and bottom of thePool algae are then vacuuming can help to get rid of some of them ... But I find that brushing the walls and the floor is a much better job. Do not stop using these methods until the pool is completely clear. Make sure the filter is running properly. Taking all these steps guarantee a clear pool in a few days.

The truth about the clear green water pools

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Friday, August 5, 2011

The theater Sanitizer

!±8± The theater Sanitizer

There are all kinds of disinfectants for swimming pools above. Lately they have been springing up like mushrooms. Pool owners and those aspiring to use disinfectants that are confused. What is the best disinfectant to clean a pool? Here is a brief look at the 5 most popular disinfectant methods:


Prodigy is a pool of equipment maintenance and chemical water disinfection system that took almost a decade to develop. The weather was not part of the developmentthe opportunity to discover a pool, but a way to disinfect the problems of chemistry with salt water and chlorine pools associated address. Salt water and chlorine pool systems naturally destroy the alkalinity increases and the pH of pool water to pool large amounts of water are added directly to acid. The Prodigy pool not only solves these problems, is the first system to fully automate the chemical balance of pool. It is environmentally friendly and does not cause itching or redEyes like other systems.


The pool requires Prodigy mine once every 3 or 4 months, the company requires a solution that RK-12 card. No products are included in the pool, because the ions generated by the device 100% active enough to refurbish the pool and the pool's chemical balance. Stabilizer must be to keep the pool at about 60 ppm added. Regular brushing and skimming is not necessary. He has one of the lowest maintenance costs per monthif not the lowest of any system. He took the first system "all inclusive" for the mainstream market and is the reason why the slogan is "The Next Generation of Care Pool."


Chlorine treated swimming pools are popular because of their effectiveness as a disinfectant. The truth is that the pool chlorine, the first of its kind that occur in the homes of millions of owners of the pool. However, chlorinated swimming pools have been pretty hard on the ears, eyes, skin and hair. These effects werechlorinated swimming pools a bad review. But on the other hand, some pool owners still have a firm grip on costs and effectiveness of chlorine because of its relatively low. There was a transition to systems of salt, but also for the corrosive effects of salt, many owners of the pool is returned to traditional chlorine. Nothing is better to say the tradition, as they did.

MAINTENANCE chlorinated pool:

Daily cleaning includes skimming, brushing and swimming. It 'important to get the poolWater content of chlorine. There is a constant need for acid and chlorine pool in good shape otherwise, the imbalance could be potentially harmful to the people, or it could destroy the surface of the pool. Chlorine, either in tablet, powder or liquid will do.


Bromine treated pools are probably less harmful than chlorinated pools. Some people think that no chlorine bromine pools in them. It is not true. Bromo-pool systems are equipped with a filter that createsChlorine. This eliminates the need to always save in powder or chlorine tablets to make water free from germs. This saves time normally pool owners, effort and money.

This type of pool is less harsh on the skin, eyes and hair. Therefore, it is the heart of so many pool owners since its introduction in the market has become mainstream.

Bromine pool care

Care bromine is similar to a swimming pool chlorine. The only difference is that a bromine-bromine pool requiresTablets. This is done by a power supply of bromine. Besides this, the water chemistry must request the same algaecide, water treatment, hardness, water sterilizers, shock and water pH and alkalinity. There is also a need to fly, brush and sweep up every day to clean the sparkling swimming pool.


Biguanide treated pools can be considered as exclusive. Why? And 'because biguanide is not compatible with the majority of products on the market.Two of these products are chlorine and bromine.


A swimming pool would not be possible without a complete biguanide sanitizers. It is a further 7-14 days to get a normal reading of 30-50ppm biguanides vertical. Meanwhile, anti-algae also very important in the prevention of algae growth. Skimming, brushing, and curves are done with this type of pool. Sterilizer, the water is clear and clean. Just be sure to get a water clarifier that is suitable to choosewith biguanides. Biguanide pools are usually sensitive. Choose to go to a dealer for some biguanide chemicals and instructions.

Salt water:

The salt water has been gaining in popularity because there are more advantages, but has lost some 'steam due to the corrosive effects of salt. Swimming pool with salt water systems for the automatic generation of chlorine from salt, but they require large amounts of acid to the pool water is usually added on a weekly basis. Shock is necessary to manage chemicals and otherlevels of safe swimming. Lead is a byproduct of the calcium salt and other elements, structure and scaling of tiles and natural products. The advantages are that chlorine is not as tiring for the eyes and hair as traditional chlorinated systems. The salinity is usually between 3500-7000 ppm salt content makes palpable in the pool, but not close to the salinity of the sea.


Pools of salt water almost all need the same caretraditional chlorinated pools except for the need to add chlorine. In addition to the cells of the system must be replaced every few years at a cost of several hundred dollars. Tile surfaces should be cleaned regularly, and natural and will probably need a cleaner to dissolve hard water stains. Pool Accessories and other parts such as filters must be cleaned or replaced frequently because of football can build. Swimming will probably be empty andrecharged every two years due to water hardness.

And 'The Prodigy pool, salt water, chlorine, bromine or biguanide? The facts have been oppressed for you to understand and set. Put an end to the drama disinfectant. You decide.

The theater Sanitizer

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Phosphate treatment

!±8± Phosphate treatment

Phosphate treatment has really caught on in the pool industry in recent years, but what are the phosphates and why you should be worried.

One of the major concerns of others, and because phosphate much more frequently than it was even just 4 years, is that a high level of phosphates in a pool a significant impact on saltwater chlorination have the power.

Phosphates are one of the key ingredients found in fertilizer. Since the algaeis a simple plant, the presence of phosphates in water affect the difficulty of controlling algae in your pool is. Phosphates as they are, the harder it is to kill and control algae in your pool. Thus, the increased use of phosphate treatments.

If you find that 1) the pump is running a lot of time and are turning the pool at least once a day 1, 2) have a lot of free chlorine in the pool, and 3) yourPH and alkalinity are balanced, but you still have an algae problem ... then it is probably time to verify the presence of phosphates.

So what do you do?

There are simple tests that are performed to assess if the processing of phosphate are needed, and the approximate concentration of phosphates in water. There are redundant tests, cards, and test strips available to say exactly what are your readings phosphate. We found the test strips are quite precise, and by far theThe easiest tests to run and analyze.

I personally prefer not to have phosphates in water, but in reality we are not using a rule-phosphate treatments, reaching about 250 ppb. Phosphate treatment includes the insertion of phosphate chemicals in the pool, usually goes through the skimmer when the pool pump. This breaks the chemical rapidly around the pool, so as to maximize their effect. The chemical precipitation of phosphates from water,and fall to the bottom of the tank where they can be extracted. Usually it is recommended to run the pool pump for 24 - 36 hours continuously during this long process that accelerate progress.

Once the process is completed, the filter must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned (and not fun) process.

Usually we recommend a further test is performed to confirm that all the phosphates were removed from the water.

Not all phosphate treatmentssame! There are huge differences in effectiveness between different brands. Read the instructions carefully and compare them to see the strengths, which are the most effective. These chemicals are not cheap, but if applied properly the result is a pool that much easier to maintain throughout the year. Receive the pool for a good start this season, and see if you can use the treatment of phosphate.

Phosphate treatment

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Five products often used for sanitizing swimming pool chlorine

!±8± Five products often used for sanitizing swimming pool chlorine

Chlorine is the most common pool disinfectant. When chlorine is added to the water pool of acid reacts to produce hypocholorous. And 'this acid as a primary disinfectant to destroy bacteria, algae and other undesirable impurities works. Chlorine is a number of different forms as follows:

Sodium - This is a liquid form of chlorine, which is preferred by the owners swimming pool with beautiful surfaces that may be vulnerable to bleaching. Like chlorineis already dissolved in water, there is no danger of undissolved lumps fall to the bottom of the pool and damage it. Sunlight can break down easily so it is advisable to add chlorine to chlorine in the evening, in contrast to the scorching sun. Calcium hypochlorite - This is usually supplied in granular or tablets. It has a longer shelf life, the liquid chlorine, but it must first be in the water before being placed in water. Most brands offer was one of the chlorine in thisstabilized with cyanuric acid. This protects (or stabilization) of chlorine by sunlight. Lithium - These are available as rapidly dissolving powder. It 'is often used in environments with high humidity, as the product of free football and do not contribute significantly to the total number of salt dissolved the bathwater. Can be used in vinyl pools can be used without risk of damage. Lithium has a long life but is usually more expensive than other forms of chlorine. SodiumDichloro - usually in granular form is sodium dichloro-generally do not require the addition of a stabilizer. Products must be resolved first, so that added to the pool in liquid form. Trichloro - chlorine-based products trichloro usually have the highest available level of chlorine - often more than 90%. Trichloroethane is used to get rid of the problem is recognized, but they dissolve slowly, is usually not recommended as a shock treatment.

Five products often used for sanitizing swimming pool chlorine

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

LaMotte 2056 ColorQ Pro 7 Digital Pool Water Test Kit

!±8± LaMotte 2056 ColorQ Pro 7 Digital Pool Water Test Kit

Brand : LaMotte | Rate : | Price : $168.82
Post Date : Jul 23, 2011 11:15:23 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

  • Features a photometer which gives you a digital reading of test results.
  • Water resistant housing and carrying case provided.
  • Tests Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Bromine, PH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Cyanuric Acid.
  • Uses liquid reagents for all test factors except Cyanuric Acid, which uses tablets.

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LaMotte 2056 ColorQ Pro 7 Digital Pool Water Test Kit

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